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Mutural funds are large portfolios which sell units to investors. They are run by professional money managers and have specific investment objectives. When shareholders invest in a fund they are actually purchasing ownership of the fund’s portfolio and are entitled to participate in its gains or losses.

Mutural funds have many benefits, such as professional management. Managing an investment portfolio of stocks and bonds requires both time and expertise. Mutural funds provide money management at a reasonable price. Mutural funds managers are responsible for the overall strategic direction of their fund. The investment manager works with traders, technical analysts and fundamental analysts.

In addition to professional management, mutural funds provide diversification. By pooling the funds of individuals, mutural funds give investors access to a diversified portfolio that is managed by investment professionals. Diversification is a risk management tool. A portfolio which holds many different is less susceptible to the price moves of a single issuer. One single security will have less of an impact on the overall performance of the total portfolio. A diversified portfolio can lower risk and enhance returns.

Investing requires a balance between risk and  reward. Normally, in order to achieve higher returns, an investor should be willing to accept a higher risk in the fluctuation of the value of their investment. Lower risk investments typically provide lower returns, but are more stabile.

Keyinvest works together with many of the large mutural funds you can find a couple of them here:

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Quadriga Asset Management Man Investments

Jyske Invest   Tilbage til startsiden   Carnegie Sparinvest


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Last modified: 02/25/05