Offshore banking and asset management
Keyinvest is located in one of the world’s leading offshore centres - Switzerland. The advantages of dealing with Keyinvest are truly legendary Stability and Security Switzerland is one of the oldest and most vibrant democracies. Within this framework of tradition, stability and exclusive privacy, Keyinvest is able to extend to all of its clients the highest standards of absolute discretion and professionalism. The settlements of transactions are coordinated with major financial institutions. Keyinvests clients throughout the world invest with the security that they have come to expect. International Financial Centre Switzerland has been providing banking and trust services to the international financial community for a very long time. It is one of the most developed financial centres in the world, with products and services covering banking, private banking and trust services, mutual fund administration, capital markets, investment advisory services, accounting and legal services, insurance and corporate services. Exclusive Privacy Switzerland has very strict privacy laws; no capital gains tax, no income tax, no sales tax, no estate tax and no inheritance tax. The nation’s stable government and economy make it one of the most attractive countries for investors worldwide. The country has preserved its crucial tax neutrality advantage and has become an even more attractive jurisdiction to do business.
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